One of the greatest misconceptions in our industry is that you need to know a lot of people to succeed. In fact, most people won't even JOIN a network marketing opportunity until they have a "Mental Checklist" of people who are likely to join also! This creates a lottery mentality where everyone just hopes to sign a few of their contacts and get lucky.
Seriously, it amazes me that people still buy into this weak-minded approach. And THEN, when it doesn't work out, they blame network marketing! Give me a break.
POSERS create a mental checklist, contact a few of them and, if no one jumps at it, they quit.
AMATEURS make a common mistake. I made it. Most people I know made it. And that is... to make a written list and then proceed to contact those prospects until they run out... all the while hoping they can get some to join before they don't have anyone left to talk to.
I remember when I finally ran out. It was very depressing and discouraging. I didn't know what to do. And then I learned how Professionals approach prospecting, which I will now share with all of you.
PROFESSIONALS do the following:
- They make a written list of prospects
- They begin to invite those prospects to view the opportunity
If they think of other people, they add them to the list.
If they meet someone new, they add them to the list.
And they make sure to constantly put themselves in a position to meet new people.
They raise their awareness and WORK to add at least 2 people to their list EVERY DAY. If you think about it, that skill is not that difficult, even for introverted people like me. If you open your mind to people and if you get out of your house and into the world, adding 2 a day is very possible. And that would give you an extra 730 people a year to talk to!!!!
And please understand that I'm not talking about turning you into some kind of predator. We don't hunt for people and as soon as we find them, jump down their throats with the opportunity. Professionals just add them to the list and then, at an appropriate time, expose that person to the opportunity in a professional way.
Remember, we're in a sorting business, not a convincing business. All we do is give people an opportunity to understand what we do and then, either they will see it or they won't.
Professionals make that approach in a way that doesn't pressure, bully or offend.
Amateurs are just trying to make a quick buck. The internet is full of them. They wreck relationships and you can smell them a mile away.
Being a Network Marketing Professional is a decision, and it's an awesome way to have the ultimate career.
So my assignment for all of you would be to:
1. REMAKE your contact list with as many names as possible. No prejudging. Every name can lead you to another name.
2. DECIDE to add at least 2 people per day to that list.
3. Begin working on a Professional way to approach & invite
I hope that's helpful.
Your friend,
Eric Worre - Network Marketing Professional
Thursday, November 27, 2008
The Importance Of A Good Upline!
Over the past week or two, I've spoken with a number of people who have complained to me about their upline.
• Some said they just didn't get along with them, didn't receive the proper amount of respect or got their feelings hurt in one way or another.
• Others said they were disappointed in the support they were receiving.
• Still others were wondering if they even had a chance to succeed since their upline was no longer actively building a business.
My answer to all of them was the same...
This dependent mindset has always confused me. Maybe it's a hold over belief system from working in the traditional world. Maybe it's the need to blame someone else for their lack of success. Maybe it's just avoidance behavior so they don't have to face the reality that they just might have to step forward and lead. I don't know for sure.
All I know is this... I have NEVER viewed my upline as critical to my success.
That responsibility falls on my shoulders.
A common trait of the true Network Marketing Professional is they don't feel the need for "upline support". Of course, they'll work with their upline if they are like-minded and use them as a resource from time to time, but they never use them as an excuse.
So each of you just might want to engage in the following exercise... Call your upline and say "Thank you so much for the introduction to the company. I'm just calling to say goodbye. I'll be surpassing your levels of success very soon. I'm sure we'll connect from time to time at events, on conference calls or at training functions and we might even help each other out with 3-way calls or some other form of mutual support, but as for me and my business... I'll take it from here." (Of course, all of that would be said with a smile, not with a negative attitude)
If you do that, maybe... just maybe, you're ready to take your business and your life to the next level.
Your friend,
Eric Worre - Network Marketing Professional
• Some said they just didn't get along with them, didn't receive the proper amount of respect or got their feelings hurt in one way or another.
• Others said they were disappointed in the support they were receiving.
• Still others were wondering if they even had a chance to succeed since their upline was no longer actively building a business.
My answer to all of them was the same...
This dependent mindset has always confused me. Maybe it's a hold over belief system from working in the traditional world. Maybe it's the need to blame someone else for their lack of success. Maybe it's just avoidance behavior so they don't have to face the reality that they just might have to step forward and lead. I don't know for sure.
All I know is this... I have NEVER viewed my upline as critical to my success.
That responsibility falls on my shoulders.
A common trait of the true Network Marketing Professional is they don't feel the need for "upline support". Of course, they'll work with their upline if they are like-minded and use them as a resource from time to time, but they never use them as an excuse.
So each of you just might want to engage in the following exercise... Call your upline and say "Thank you so much for the introduction to the company. I'm just calling to say goodbye. I'll be surpassing your levels of success very soon. I'm sure we'll connect from time to time at events, on conference calls or at training functions and we might even help each other out with 3-way calls or some other form of mutual support, but as for me and my business... I'll take it from here." (Of course, all of that would be said with a smile, not with a negative attitude)
If you do that, maybe... just maybe, you're ready to take your business and your life to the next level.
Your friend,
Eric Worre - Network Marketing Professional
Monday, October 27, 2008
The Power Of Forgiving Yourself... and Others!!
In life, we all make mistakes. And that is especially true for our work in this industry. Those mistakes could show up in any number of areas, including:
- Not being faithfully using your company's products
- Screwing up your prospects
- Not fully engaging in building your business
- Not advancing to the next rank
- Failing to hit a goal
- Allowing distractions to take you off track
- Being inconsistent in your building efforts
- Someone hurt your feelings and you allowed that to stop your growth
- Not stepping into your role as a leader
- Running good people out of your organization
- Or a MILLION other challenges!
A personal note for all of you…
Over the past year or so, I have NOT been my most solid when it comes to building my organization. Among other challenges, I went through a divorce and even though it was very amicable, it took a toll on me and my ability to lead. Don't get me wrong, I made lots of money during that time, but I wasn't the leader I should have been and parts of my group suffered. And since the beginning of this year I've really beaten myself up over it.
That is something I think we all do. When we don't live up to our own expectations, we beat on ourselves and beat on ourselves and beat on ourselves. It's so unhealthy and so unproductive!
Over the past 3 months, I've come to the realization that this is a pattern I need to change in my life and I've made significant progress in this area.
The following is what I've used to make that happen…
When it comes to success in Network Marketing (and in life), you can count on two things:
1. You WILL make mistakes. Mistakes in judgment. Mistakes in execution. Mistakes in what you leave out. Mistakes in what you put in. Expect it.
2. No matter now prepared you think you are, this business will test you and this business will surprise you. Just when you think you have it "all wrapped up", something happens to humble you.
I have learned that, too often, people in network marketing hold onto their "failures" and dwell on them. It's like obsessively chewing on the same piece of gum for year after year, as it collects more gunk, bacteria, mouth goo, etc. You wouldn't do that would you? But so many people dwell on their "failures". Or on how someone or something else failed them.
Look, the problem with dwelling on all this is… what you dwell on… you are actually just rehearsing and retraining your mind to do the next time around!
That is the problem with "slumps". The more you dwell on how awful you are doing, the more you carry those emotions into your efforts. It's like putting a 100 pound lead weight around each leg and then trying to jump out of a 30 foot hole!
What you mentally dwell on with strong emotion is what you communicate to your subconscious mind that you want it to do!
Despite all your positive programming, which I believe in and teach, your negative programming through dwelling on mistakes will more likely influence how you think, act and respond, because it is most familiar and it is what you believe in with strong emotion.
Remember this: the unconscious is most impressed by anything that includes strong emotion, repetition and strong belief. It does what is most familiar, not what you necessarily most consciously may want.
So avoiding this negative loop requires better attitudes toward learning. It requires the discipline and awareness to notice when you are beating on yourself and to STOP IT. And it requires acceptance of mistakes.
If you find yourself dwelling on the past or getting mad that you are not making fast enough progress, try the following two steps:
1. Get yourself in a nice meditative state. Or if you're not into that, just get yourself into a quiet place and take a series of deep breaths.
2. Then, to yourself, silently, repeat the following (put it on a 3x5 card if necessary so you have it with you):
"I made mistakes as part of my learning. I HAD to make those mistakes to see where I can move to next. There is no way I could NOT have made them. Those mistakes are the foundation of new power just as soon as I forgive and release them.
Since more mistakes will always be unavoidable, I will embrace them MORE quickly, forgive MORE easily, so I can more quickly move into POWER.
Forgiving others, and letting them go is good training for forgiving myself. So even if they don't "deserve" it I will do it for my own sake. I will either get what I want or learn what I need to. Mistakes are just MARKERS, marking out where I can step into new freedom, choice, power and growth.
I may wish I had been born more evolved or perfect, but THIS is my path and I embrace it, I may not always like it, I may slip and grumble, BUT THIS IS MY PATH. I will let my learning's pull me forward and I will never stop learning until I draw my last breath."
For all of my Network Marketing Professional friends, I want you to know there is tremendous power in forgiving yourself. Please take a moment and do that right now. And in the future, if you realize you're beating yourself up again, REMEMBER to keep doing it as you move forward on your journey.
I remain your biggest fan,
Eric Worre – Network Marketing Professional
P.S. For my friends in Non-English speaking countries around the world, if you could please translate this and post it in the discussion board, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
- Not being faithfully using your company's products
- Screwing up your prospects
- Not fully engaging in building your business
- Not advancing to the next rank
- Failing to hit a goal
- Allowing distractions to take you off track
- Being inconsistent in your building efforts
- Someone hurt your feelings and you allowed that to stop your growth
- Not stepping into your role as a leader
- Running good people out of your organization
- Or a MILLION other challenges!
A personal note for all of you…
Over the past year or so, I have NOT been my most solid when it comes to building my organization. Among other challenges, I went through a divorce and even though it was very amicable, it took a toll on me and my ability to lead. Don't get me wrong, I made lots of money during that time, but I wasn't the leader I should have been and parts of my group suffered. And since the beginning of this year I've really beaten myself up over it.
That is something I think we all do. When we don't live up to our own expectations, we beat on ourselves and beat on ourselves and beat on ourselves. It's so unhealthy and so unproductive!
Over the past 3 months, I've come to the realization that this is a pattern I need to change in my life and I've made significant progress in this area.
The following is what I've used to make that happen…
When it comes to success in Network Marketing (and in life), you can count on two things:
1. You WILL make mistakes. Mistakes in judgment. Mistakes in execution. Mistakes in what you leave out. Mistakes in what you put in. Expect it.
2. No matter now prepared you think you are, this business will test you and this business will surprise you. Just when you think you have it "all wrapped up", something happens to humble you.
I have learned that, too often, people in network marketing hold onto their "failures" and dwell on them. It's like obsessively chewing on the same piece of gum for year after year, as it collects more gunk, bacteria, mouth goo, etc. You wouldn't do that would you? But so many people dwell on their "failures". Or on how someone or something else failed them.
Look, the problem with dwelling on all this is… what you dwell on… you are actually just rehearsing and retraining your mind to do the next time around!
That is the problem with "slumps". The more you dwell on how awful you are doing, the more you carry those emotions into your efforts. It's like putting a 100 pound lead weight around each leg and then trying to jump out of a 30 foot hole!
What you mentally dwell on with strong emotion is what you communicate to your subconscious mind that you want it to do!
Despite all your positive programming, which I believe in and teach, your negative programming through dwelling on mistakes will more likely influence how you think, act and respond, because it is most familiar and it is what you believe in with strong emotion.
Remember this: the unconscious is most impressed by anything that includes strong emotion, repetition and strong belief. It does what is most familiar, not what you necessarily most consciously may want.
So avoiding this negative loop requires better attitudes toward learning. It requires the discipline and awareness to notice when you are beating on yourself and to STOP IT. And it requires acceptance of mistakes.
If you find yourself dwelling on the past or getting mad that you are not making fast enough progress, try the following two steps:
1. Get yourself in a nice meditative state. Or if you're not into that, just get yourself into a quiet place and take a series of deep breaths.
2. Then, to yourself, silently, repeat the following (put it on a 3x5 card if necessary so you have it with you):
"I made mistakes as part of my learning. I HAD to make those mistakes to see where I can move to next. There is no way I could NOT have made them. Those mistakes are the foundation of new power just as soon as I forgive and release them.
Since more mistakes will always be unavoidable, I will embrace them MORE quickly, forgive MORE easily, so I can more quickly move into POWER.
Forgiving others, and letting them go is good training for forgiving myself. So even if they don't "deserve" it I will do it for my own sake. I will either get what I want or learn what I need to. Mistakes are just MARKERS, marking out where I can step into new freedom, choice, power and growth.
I may wish I had been born more evolved or perfect, but THIS is my path and I embrace it, I may not always like it, I may slip and grumble, BUT THIS IS MY PATH. I will let my learning's pull me forward and I will never stop learning until I draw my last breath."
For all of my Network Marketing Professional friends, I want you to know there is tremendous power in forgiving yourself. Please take a moment and do that right now. And in the future, if you realize you're beating yourself up again, REMEMBER to keep doing it as you move forward on your journey.
I remain your biggest fan,
Eric Worre – Network Marketing Professional
P.S. For my friends in Non-English speaking countries around the world, if you could please translate this and post it in the discussion board, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Antioxidant Berries
Wild blueberries take top spot in new antioxidant research study in the USA.
Results from a new study has shown that wild blueberries outperformed two dozen other commonly consumed fruits such as apples, bananas, red grapes and strawberries in an expanded test using the Cellular Antioxidant Activity (CAA) assay.
New research published in the current issue of the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry (Journal Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56 (18): 8418-8426, 2008) shows that wild blueberries have the highest cellular antioxidant activity of the 25 fruits tested, as well as the highest total phenolic content and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC).
Lead scientist Dr Rui Hai Liu, used the cellular antioxidant activity (CAA) assay - a new assay developed by the Cornell University Department of Food Science to determine antioxidant activity of antioxidants, foods and dietary supplements.
According to Dr Liu, the CAA assay was developed to investigate how antioxidant compounds found in fruits react inside cells, using human liver cancer cells as the testing model. The CAA takes antioxidant measurement to a new level moving beyond test tube to bioactivity inside cells.
The CAA assay is a more biological relevant activity assays as it accounts for uptake, metabolism, distribution and activity of antioxidant compounds within cells versus solely looking at antioxidant activity assay.
"In expanding the test to include more fruits, we found that wild blueberries had the highest antioxidant activity, with other berries and pomegranates also showing strong performance. While further testing is needed to confirm how dietary antioxidants are absorbed by and go to work in the human body to prevent cancer and other chronic diseases, we are encouraged by the response in this initial screening measure," said Dr Liu. - HealthNewsDigest.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Wiping Rejection From Your Mind!
As I once told a friend of mine who asked me how I could take being "rejected" by prospects, "I never get rejected. I just discover if a prospect is intelligent!"
Now, I admit, that's a pretty extreme re-frame. But notice the fun state of mind it allows me to have.
My actual attitude in any situation involving a prospect is: "I will either get what I want (which is simply helping them understand what I have to offer so they can determine if it fits into their life) or I will enjoy the process of learning what I need to get what I want".
Now, just imagine holding THAT belief in front of you as you consider approaching a prospect you'd like to have in your business.
It is the MEANING you assign to approaching prospects that matters most.
Here is an example:
I have had SO many people tell me they can't even talk to a prospects. I always ask them the following question...
"Ok. Suppose that amazing prospect you "can't" talk to was standing there and a guy was coming up behind them with a knife raised in the air, about to bring it down and stab them. Then could you talk to them and at least yell, "Hey! Look out!"
Every person I have ever asked that has at least said "yes" and many of them have said they would go on to try to take the knife away from the guy.
I always say, "Congratulations. That's talking to a prospect!"
They always look at me kind of funny and say, "well, that's different. I would be doing something good for them, in that case".
Wow. As if talking to a prospect and giving them the chance to possibly enter your world ISN'T A GOOD THING?
Really the only difference is the meaning YOU assign to it.
Instead of the prospect being the judge of your value what if you just viewed talking to them as a way to enjoy exploring the possibilities of working together on something meaningful and fun.
Doesn't that beat the view of talking to a prospect as a life or death situation?
The bottom line: rejection cannot exist in a properly directed mind. There is only the meaning YOU assign!
The key here is to stay playful, have fun and assign the right meaning, the meaning that serves you, rather than the one that stops you in your tracks.
Have fun and enjoy learning through every experience!
Eric Worre - Network Marketing Professional
Now, I admit, that's a pretty extreme re-frame. But notice the fun state of mind it allows me to have.
My actual attitude in any situation involving a prospect is: "I will either get what I want (which is simply helping them understand what I have to offer so they can determine if it fits into their life) or I will enjoy the process of learning what I need to get what I want".
Now, just imagine holding THAT belief in front of you as you consider approaching a prospect you'd like to have in your business.
It is the MEANING you assign to approaching prospects that matters most.
Here is an example:
I have had SO many people tell me they can't even talk to a prospects. I always ask them the following question...
"Ok. Suppose that amazing prospect you "can't" talk to was standing there and a guy was coming up behind them with a knife raised in the air, about to bring it down and stab them. Then could you talk to them and at least yell, "Hey! Look out!"
Every person I have ever asked that has at least said "yes" and many of them have said they would go on to try to take the knife away from the guy.
I always say, "Congratulations. That's talking to a prospect!"
They always look at me kind of funny and say, "well, that's different. I would be doing something good for them, in that case".
Wow. As if talking to a prospect and giving them the chance to possibly enter your world ISN'T A GOOD THING?
Really the only difference is the meaning YOU assign to it.
Instead of the prospect being the judge of your value what if you just viewed talking to them as a way to enjoy exploring the possibilities of working together on something meaningful and fun.
Doesn't that beat the view of talking to a prospect as a life or death situation?
The bottom line: rejection cannot exist in a properly directed mind. There is only the meaning YOU assign!
The key here is to stay playful, have fun and assign the right meaning, the meaning that serves you, rather than the one that stops you in your tracks.
Have fun and enjoy learning through every experience!
Eric Worre - Network Marketing Professional
Saturday, September 27, 2008
One of the big concepts that has served me well for many years is called Plan-Do-Review. It's a powerful tool and very few people actually use it. It's become a major cornerstone of my life and here's how it works:
You come up with a Plan. You Do it. Then you Review it to see if you can make the next Plan better.
Then you Do the better Plan. Then you Review the results again to see if you can make the next Plan better. It's a never-ending cycle.
In Prospecting, Plan-Do-Review.
In Presenting, Plan-Do-Review.
In Recruiting, Plan-Do-Review.
In Getting People Started, Plan-Do-Review.
In Training, Plan-Do-Review.
In Leadership, Plan-Do-Review.
It works in literally every area of your life... a constant polishing of your skills.
Amateurs tend to do one of two things:
1. They Plan and Do but then just repeat the same thing over and over again without seriously Reviewing to see how they could get better.
2. They never Plan but just Do what they're told. Do do do do do. And when things don't work out, they blame blame blame blame blame.
Professionals Plan-Do-Review in all aspects of their business.
You come up with a Plan. You Do it. Then you Review it to see if you can make the next Plan better.
Then you Do the better Plan. Then you Review the results again to see if you can make the next Plan better. It's a never-ending cycle.
In Prospecting, Plan-Do-Review.
In Presenting, Plan-Do-Review.
In Recruiting, Plan-Do-Review.
In Getting People Started, Plan-Do-Review.
In Training, Plan-Do-Review.
In Leadership, Plan-Do-Review.
It works in literally every area of your life... a constant polishing of your skills.
Amateurs tend to do one of two things:
1. They Plan and Do but then just repeat the same thing over and over again without seriously Reviewing to see how they could get better.
2. They never Plan but just Do what they're told. Do do do do do. And when things don't work out, they blame blame blame blame blame.
Professionals Plan-Do-Review in all aspects of their business.
Eric Worre.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
How One Man Made All The Difference
Bruno Grilo joined Agel on July 23, 2007 and made it to Diamond Director earning USD 30,000 per month within 3 months and Double Diamond Director earning USD 60,000 per month soon after.
Before Agel, Bruno's was a sales manager at Bosch Equipment. earning USD 2000 per month. However, when presented with the Agel opportunity, he quickly understood his talents could be better applied in building an Agel business. Despite not having any prior experience in Network Marketing, in a short space of less than 6 months, Brono is now earning in excess of USD 60,000 per month !!
This is his success story.
With a burning desire to change his life and a strong belief in his own ability, network marketing and Agel products his first presentation after enrolling was to his closest family and friends. "I knew the first step for me in building a strong business was building a strong team by sponsoring my closest friends and family," said Bruno. "People who believe in me are in this with me."
After enrolling 7 of his family members, Bruno moved fast as he understood that getting a large group of people to do a few simple things consistently over a period time is the key to his success. Starting with doing 3-6 PBR in a single day with 4-30 people in attendance his network grew quickly and he moved on to hosting his own Agel Business Meetings. For his enrollees, he focus on building a culture of belief in the products and training.
With no prior network marketing experience, Bruno Grilo has built a strong and successful Agel business in a time frame that is unheard of in most industries.
When asked to offer his best business-building tip, Bruno said, "use the products, understand the MLM industry, the compensation plan and believe in the Agel culture and management team. Then go out and talk to people and coach them in these same practices."
What is most rewarding for Bruno, apart from his personal success was the fact that his family members who joined him were equally successful doing exactly what he taught and was doing. Two of his brother in laws made it to Diamond Director within 3 months as well. Evidently, massive efforts by every member of his team created the momentum for their individual and team success.
Bruno loves his new lifestyle with Agel, which he shares with his wife, Ines Moura. He said that although it is a lot of work running his business, he is having a wonderful time working with his closest friends and family. Also, he loves the fact that Agel allows him the time he needs for himself, his family, his hobbies and what he calls "total freedom." "When you feel secure, you have the confidence to move forward with purpose and reach your goals," said Bruno.
To read more about Bruno Grilo and his brother in laws, Francisco Nunes and Pepe Moura amazing stories, click on the following links :
Before Agel, Bruno's was a sales manager at Bosch Equipment. earning USD 2000 per month. However, when presented with the Agel opportunity, he quickly understood his talents could be better applied in building an Agel business. Despite not having any prior experience in Network Marketing, in a short space of less than 6 months, Brono is now earning in excess of USD 60,000 per month !!
This is his success story.
With a burning desire to change his life and a strong belief in his own ability, network marketing and Agel products his first presentation after enrolling was to his closest family and friends. "I knew the first step for me in building a strong business was building a strong team by sponsoring my closest friends and family," said Bruno. "People who believe in me are in this with me."
After enrolling 7 of his family members, Bruno moved fast as he understood that getting a large group of people to do a few simple things consistently over a period time is the key to his success. Starting with doing 3-6 PBR in a single day with 4-30 people in attendance his network grew quickly and he moved on to hosting his own Agel Business Meetings. For his enrollees, he focus on building a culture of belief in the products and training.
With no prior network marketing experience, Bruno Grilo has built a strong and successful Agel business in a time frame that is unheard of in most industries.
When asked to offer his best business-building tip, Bruno said, "use the products, understand the MLM industry, the compensation plan and believe in the Agel culture and management team. Then go out and talk to people and coach them in these same practices."
What is most rewarding for Bruno, apart from his personal success was the fact that his family members who joined him were equally successful doing exactly what he taught and was doing. Two of his brother in laws made it to Diamond Director within 3 months as well. Evidently, massive efforts by every member of his team created the momentum for their individual and team success.
Bruno loves his new lifestyle with Agel, which he shares with his wife, Ines Moura. He said that although it is a lot of work running his business, he is having a wonderful time working with his closest friends and family. Also, he loves the fact that Agel allows him the time he needs for himself, his family, his hobbies and what he calls "total freedom." "When you feel secure, you have the confidence to move forward with purpose and reach your goals," said Bruno.
To read more about Bruno Grilo and his brother in laws, Francisco Nunes and Pepe Moura amazing stories, click on the following links :
Saturday, August 30, 2008
One Man Who Dared To Dream BIG
Nitti Sawangsap joined Agel in mid 2007 and 9 months later made it to Diamond Director earning USD 30,000 per month and 15 months later made it to Double Diamond Director earning USD 60,000 per month.
Prior to Agel, Nitti was involved with 3 other major network marketing companies with one endearing goal – to find that “dream opportunity”. When presented with Agel, he was initially skeptical especially as he was already doing quite well. However, when he seriously investigated the opportunity, he realized Agel is the dream opportunity he was seeking.
This is his success story.
Coming from a network marketing background, Nitti instinctively knew that for him to win BIG he need to dream BIG and he was prepared to go the distance. So the first thing he did was to sync himself a really BIG target – to achieve Double Diamond rank 12 months.
Wasting no time, he quickly shared the Agel opportunity with all his relatives and close friends. Then he prospected the cold market and shared with as many people as possible, everyday. He worked at a feverish pace in the first 3 months and made Senior Director rank. Thereafter, he focussed on a relentless campaign of following up on all prospects that he had shared the opportunity with and supporting his down lines.
Within his organization, Nitti created a culture of activity, setting the perfect example himself. He plugged all his people into the system and created a habit of continuous learning so that everyone can take their personal development and achievement to a higher level.
Having achieved Double Diamond Director, Nitti is now setting his sight on the ultimate goal – to be right on top of the Compensation Plan as Quadruple Diamond Director. Niiti deam of making USD 500,000 per month in Agel !!!
Ntti success story is a good testimony of what one can achieve with the right opportunity, a courage to dream BIG and a willingness to work hard. At the end of the day, in Nitti’s own words “it is well worth it”
To read more about Nitti Sawangsap amazing story, click on the following link :
Prior to Agel, Nitti was involved with 3 other major network marketing companies with one endearing goal – to find that “dream opportunity”. When presented with Agel, he was initially skeptical especially as he was already doing quite well. However, when he seriously investigated the opportunity, he realized Agel is the dream opportunity he was seeking.
This is his success story.
Coming from a network marketing background, Nitti instinctively knew that for him to win BIG he need to dream BIG and he was prepared to go the distance. So the first thing he did was to sync himself a really BIG target – to achieve Double Diamond rank 12 months.
Wasting no time, he quickly shared the Agel opportunity with all his relatives and close friends. Then he prospected the cold market and shared with as many people as possible, everyday. He worked at a feverish pace in the first 3 months and made Senior Director rank. Thereafter, he focussed on a relentless campaign of following up on all prospects that he had shared the opportunity with and supporting his down lines.
Within his organization, Nitti created a culture of activity, setting the perfect example himself. He plugged all his people into the system and created a habit of continuous learning so that everyone can take their personal development and achievement to a higher level.
Having achieved Double Diamond Director, Nitti is now setting his sight on the ultimate goal – to be right on top of the Compensation Plan as Quadruple Diamond Director. Niiti deam of making USD 500,000 per month in Agel !!!
Ntti success story is a good testimony of what one can achieve with the right opportunity, a courage to dream BIG and a willingness to work hard. At the end of the day, in Nitti’s own words “it is well worth it”
To read more about Nitti Sawangsap amazing story, click on the following link :
Monday, July 28, 2008
You Need Big Dreams To Suceed
Imagine standing on an apple. It will be difficult. You will be unsteady, swaying in all directions and much effort is required of you to maintain your stand. You may even require a few people to hold your hands to do so.
Imagine standing on a pumpkin. It will be relatively easy to do so, right ? You will be steady and little effort is required for you to maintain your stand. If the pumpkin is a giant one, you can even invite some of your friends to stand on it too.
If your dream is as big as an apple, are you unlikely to be successful? You will lack confidence; direction and a lot of your efforts will be wasted as you move in all directions except towards your goals.
If your dream is as big as a giant pumpkin. You will move steadily, full of confidence and you will move efficiently towards your goals. You can even ‘lend’ your family, friends and biz partners your dream while they create theirs.
So start thinking BIG and have BIG dreams.
Imagine standing on a pumpkin. It will be relatively easy to do so, right ? You will be steady and little effort is required for you to maintain your stand. If the pumpkin is a giant one, you can even invite some of your friends to stand on it too.
If your dream is as big as an apple, are you unlikely to be successful? You will lack confidence; direction and a lot of your efforts will be wasted as you move in all directions except towards your goals.
If your dream is as big as a giant pumpkin. You will move steadily, full of confidence and you will move efficiently towards your goals. You can even ‘lend’ your family, friends and biz partners your dream while they create theirs.
So start thinking BIG and have BIG dreams.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
FLX Product Highlights By Dr J Todd Nilson
July 15, 2007
As a full-time anesthesiologist in a very busy practice, I have a chance to meet surgical patients from multiple different surgical subspecialties. I have a chance to interview them and get to know their medical history in very specific detail. As I do so, I am constantly amazed at the number of people that suffer from temporary or minor joint pain due to regular exercise and activity. It can be a real problem for many people who are not able to enjoy life to the fullest as a result of joint aches and pains.
About 4 years ago, I began experiencing some annoying knee pain when I would exercise vigorously. At the young age of 38 at the time, I remember feeling somewhat discouraged that I was already beginning to get "creaky" and "old." It was at that time that I started becoming aware of the vast number of people who were taking Glucosamine and Chondroitin as a means of maintaining their joint mobility and function. Did you know that as we age, our bodies decrease the natural production of Glucosamine? This compound is a primary component of Chondriotin which is a major building block of cartilage and is responsible for keeping our cartilage soft and flexible. So, I decided to see what Glucosamine and Chondriotin could do for me, and I began taking 3 very large pills in the morning and evening every day. It wasn't but a few weeks later that I really noticed a significant decrease in my minor knee pain and increased mobility during regular exercise. I was so pleased, and I became convinced that I needed to be taking those supplements regularly. However, as my knee joint health continued, my motivation to swallow those large "horse pills" began to diminish and I fell out of compliance with my intended Glucosamine and Chondroitin daily regimen.
I remember very well the day Glen Jensen, our founder and CEO approached me about joining his new company as a part of the Medical Advisory Board. As soon as he explained to me his revolutionary concept of Gel Suspension Technology, the first thing I thought of was how fantastic it would be if I could take Glucosamine and Chondroitin in a gel pack. "If only..." I thought.
Well, now here we are just two years later and we have a product that completely exceeds my original expectations of a Glucosamine/Chondroitin supplement. Agel has created FLX, a revolutionary formulation combining not just Glucosamine and Chondroitin, but MSM and Celadrin as well. This synergistic formulation is a combination that nobody else has, and what's more, it is in a gel preparation for convenient, good tasting, easy consumption. Needless to say, I am passionate about Agel FLX. I take it every day, and it is a product that works. It is not just for the elderly, but it is for every adult, age 16 and up.
I am Dr. Todd Nilson, and I AM Agel.
Here is a quick summary of the important aspects of each of the 4 ingredients:
Chondroitin — Major building block in cartilage, helps keep cartilage soft and flexible
Glucosamine — Major building block in cartilage, helps stimulate more production of Chondroitin MSM — provides the essential sulfur that is necessary to build strong collagen which is also a major component of joint cartilage.
Celadrin — a blend of fatty acids that have the effect of increased joint lubrication
Dr J Todd Nilson
As a full-time anesthesiologist in a very busy practice, I have a chance to meet surgical patients from multiple different surgical subspecialties. I have a chance to interview them and get to know their medical history in very specific detail. As I do so, I am constantly amazed at the number of people that suffer from temporary or minor joint pain due to regular exercise and activity. It can be a real problem for many people who are not able to enjoy life to the fullest as a result of joint aches and pains.
About 4 years ago, I began experiencing some annoying knee pain when I would exercise vigorously. At the young age of 38 at the time, I remember feeling somewhat discouraged that I was already beginning to get "creaky" and "old." It was at that time that I started becoming aware of the vast number of people who were taking Glucosamine and Chondroitin as a means of maintaining their joint mobility and function. Did you know that as we age, our bodies decrease the natural production of Glucosamine? This compound is a primary component of Chondriotin which is a major building block of cartilage and is responsible for keeping our cartilage soft and flexible. So, I decided to see what Glucosamine and Chondriotin could do for me, and I began taking 3 very large pills in the morning and evening every day. It wasn't but a few weeks later that I really noticed a significant decrease in my minor knee pain and increased mobility during regular exercise. I was so pleased, and I became convinced that I needed to be taking those supplements regularly. However, as my knee joint health continued, my motivation to swallow those large "horse pills" began to diminish and I fell out of compliance with my intended Glucosamine and Chondroitin daily regimen.
I remember very well the day Glen Jensen, our founder and CEO approached me about joining his new company as a part of the Medical Advisory Board. As soon as he explained to me his revolutionary concept of Gel Suspension Technology, the first thing I thought of was how fantastic it would be if I could take Glucosamine and Chondroitin in a gel pack. "If only..." I thought.
Well, now here we are just two years later and we have a product that completely exceeds my original expectations of a Glucosamine/Chondroitin supplement. Agel has created FLX, a revolutionary formulation combining not just Glucosamine and Chondroitin, but MSM and Celadrin as well. This synergistic formulation is a combination that nobody else has, and what's more, it is in a gel preparation for convenient, good tasting, easy consumption. Needless to say, I am passionate about Agel FLX. I take it every day, and it is a product that works. It is not just for the elderly, but it is for every adult, age 16 and up.
I am Dr. Todd Nilson, and I AM Agel.
Here is a quick summary of the important aspects of each of the 4 ingredients:
Chondroitin — Major building block in cartilage, helps keep cartilage soft and flexible
Glucosamine — Major building block in cartilage, helps stimulate more production of Chondroitin MSM — provides the essential sulfur that is necessary to build strong collagen which is also a major component of joint cartilage.
Celadrin — a blend of fatty acids that have the effect of increased joint lubrication
Dr J Todd Nilson
HRT Product Highlights By Dr Jaroslav Boublik
Though I am from Melbourne Australia, I write this on the 4th of July from a hotel room in Provo Utah, just a few miles from the Agel global headquarters. I have been in the US for a week and felt really privileged to be involved in the launch of Agel's latest product HRT at the Orlando Mastermind event over the weekend. I presented the science behind this wonderful product to 2000 excited Agel Team Members and it was by far the pinnacle of my time as a Geldoc.
To give you a little of my background that is relevant to my particular interest in HRT, my father passed away when I was 12 years old of a massive coronary. He had been a long time smoker in a high stress job and, while he was not overweight, his food choices, in retrospect, could have been better. Dad's birthday was July 4th and he would have been 90 today. I can't help but wonder if HRT had've been around 40 years ago if he may have made it….
That experience set me on a path to pursue a career in medical research and after getting a PhD. in neuroendocrinology I came to the US to do a Post-Doc in peptide research at the Salk Institute, in La Jolla CA. My interest turned back to cardiovascular research and I worked on a newly discovered peptide, Neuropeptide Y, which was found to be important in blood pressure control. It's interesting to note that the most recent research on NPY suggests that it is important in managing the drive to consume carbohydrates so NPY-related compounds may prove important in controlling obesity. I guess this shows how intimately linked all these systems are.
When I went back to Australia I set up and, for 5 years, ran the Peptide Chemistry Laboratory at the Baker Medical Research Institute, Australia's #1 centre for cardiovascular research. As time went on I became disillusioned with the drug therapy approach to medicine and became increasingly interested in nutritional medicine. I studied nutritional and complementary medicine and in 1994 left the Baker Institute to start my own company, focused on nutritional and complementary medicine research and development. As part of that work I'm always looking for the latest technologies in nutrition and nutrient delivery and late in 2005 I came across Agel. I immediately saw that the Suspension Gel delivery system was a concept before it's time and I have been involved in Agel as a member of the “Geldocs” Professional Advisory Team since early 2006.
Agel's product development guru, Joel Rockwood, conceived HRT and the Geldocs provided advisory services during its development so in some ways it's the first product to emerge from a co-operative development process and as such we are all very proud of it. Joel has done an amazing job getting a formulation together for maximal effectiveness and a wonderful butterscotch flavour. HRT contains a series of critical nutrients that assist in managing cholesterol levels, maintaining optimal homo-cysteine levels (an important marker for vascular damage), supporting both baseline, and exercise-induced, cardiac muscle energy production and provide several cardiovascular-specific antioxidants to manage free radical production.
I believe that the key to maintaining long-term wellness, if you already enjoy a good level of health, or developing it if you don't, is a concerted program of preventative practices. They include; regular (daily) consumption of a broad range of high quality nutritional supplements - like the Agel range, making careful food choices based on predominately fresh foods, regular exercise, some kind of stress management activity, and adequate sleep. This kind of program applies directly to cardiovascular health and will help manage your “cardiovascular disease risk factors”. These fall into two groups; fixed risks - those that you can't do anything about, and variable, or manageable, risks - those that you can address and minimise. Fixed risks include your chronological age, gender and genetic inheritance. For me, with a parent who died at an early age (54) of cardiovascular disease, my genetic inheritance risk is high so I must work even harder to manage the risks I can address. The manageable risks include; obesity, elevated blood cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, smoking, inactivity, stress and biological age. All of these can be actively minimized through the choices we make and those choices can be supported by a well-designed cardiovascular supplement.
HRT is the best cardiovascular support supplement I've seen and for me it will become a regular, once a day, lifetime habit.
To give you a little of my background that is relevant to my particular interest in HRT, my father passed away when I was 12 years old of a massive coronary. He had been a long time smoker in a high stress job and, while he was not overweight, his food choices, in retrospect, could have been better. Dad's birthday was July 4th and he would have been 90 today. I can't help but wonder if HRT had've been around 40 years ago if he may have made it….
That experience set me on a path to pursue a career in medical research and after getting a PhD. in neuroendocrinology I came to the US to do a Post-Doc in peptide research at the Salk Institute, in La Jolla CA. My interest turned back to cardiovascular research and I worked on a newly discovered peptide, Neuropeptide Y, which was found to be important in blood pressure control. It's interesting to note that the most recent research on NPY suggests that it is important in managing the drive to consume carbohydrates so NPY-related compounds may prove important in controlling obesity. I guess this shows how intimately linked all these systems are.
When I went back to Australia I set up and, for 5 years, ran the Peptide Chemistry Laboratory at the Baker Medical Research Institute, Australia's #1 centre for cardiovascular research. As time went on I became disillusioned with the drug therapy approach to medicine and became increasingly interested in nutritional medicine. I studied nutritional and complementary medicine and in 1994 left the Baker Institute to start my own company, focused on nutritional and complementary medicine research and development. As part of that work I'm always looking for the latest technologies in nutrition and nutrient delivery and late in 2005 I came across Agel. I immediately saw that the Suspension Gel delivery system was a concept before it's time and I have been involved in Agel as a member of the “Geldocs” Professional Advisory Team since early 2006.
Agel's product development guru, Joel Rockwood, conceived HRT and the Geldocs provided advisory services during its development so in some ways it's the first product to emerge from a co-operative development process and as such we are all very proud of it. Joel has done an amazing job getting a formulation together for maximal effectiveness and a wonderful butterscotch flavour. HRT contains a series of critical nutrients that assist in managing cholesterol levels, maintaining optimal homo-cysteine levels (an important marker for vascular damage), supporting both baseline, and exercise-induced, cardiac muscle energy production and provide several cardiovascular-specific antioxidants to manage free radical production.
I believe that the key to maintaining long-term wellness, if you already enjoy a good level of health, or developing it if you don't, is a concerted program of preventative practices. They include; regular (daily) consumption of a broad range of high quality nutritional supplements - like the Agel range, making careful food choices based on predominately fresh foods, regular exercise, some kind of stress management activity, and adequate sleep. This kind of program applies directly to cardiovascular health and will help manage your “cardiovascular disease risk factors”. These fall into two groups; fixed risks - those that you can't do anything about, and variable, or manageable, risks - those that you can address and minimise. Fixed risks include your chronological age, gender and genetic inheritance. For me, with a parent who died at an early age (54) of cardiovascular disease, my genetic inheritance risk is high so I must work even harder to manage the risks I can address. The manageable risks include; obesity, elevated blood cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, smoking, inactivity, stress and biological age. All of these can be actively minimized through the choices we make and those choices can be supported by a well-designed cardiovascular supplement.
HRT is the best cardiovascular support supplement I've seen and for me it will become a regular, once a day, lifetime habit.
OHM Product Highlights By Dr Jaroslav Boublik
November 12, 2007
As spring takes hold in my garden I know that summer isn't far away. For me summer is all about being outside. Whether it's on a windsurfer, mountain bike or just my running shoes I love to get out and enjoy the warm weather.
To really enjoy that outdoor time it's great to have lots of available energy. That energy is also important when we are working, spending time with family or travelling. To have the abundant energy we all want requires a balanced diet, good energy producing mechanisms, regular exercise and sufficient sleep. Those energy-producing mechanisms can be assisted by a range of supplementary nutrients. To make best use of that energy requires focus and optimal focus can also be supported, this time by specific herbs.
By now you may have guessed what this newsletter is going to be about — Agel™ OHM. We are so excited that OHM will soon be available in Australia and New Zealand and soon everyone will be able to experience the boost of energy that every gel pack releases in you.
We are also excited that OHM will be the first TGA Listed product from Agel™. What does that mean to Agel™? More importantly, what does that mean to you? First the TGA is the Therapeutic Goods Administration. They are a division of the Department of Health and Ageing and the Australian regulator of therapeutic goods, including all drugs and nutritional supplements. OHM is a Listed product — that means it is now included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) and to be on the register it has met certain requirements such as the safety of all ingredients, manufacturing in a TGA licensed facility, accurate packaging and a host of others.
The TGA also allows Agel™ to make certain sustainable claims for OHM. There are 2 claims that have been allowed for OHM.
The first is quite short, but extremely powerful, and states, “Aids, assists or helps in the maintenance of general well-being” This tells us that everyone who is serious about creating a state of wellbeing may benefit from the use of OHM.
The second claim is very long (and has some repetition because of the requirements related to the allowed claims for each ingredient) but gives a great overview of the important ingredients in OHM. It states, ”Agel OHM, is a blend of micronutrients and herbs that complements a proper diet and regular exercise to support the body by providing the “extra energy” required to meet everyday demands. It does not rely upon stimulants like caffeine. Rather, it looks to a B—complex vitamin—based formula that acts as a coenzyme to facilitate the body's own metabolic processes required to convert carbohydrates into energy. Panax Ginseng is included, a strong antioxidant helping the body to resist stressful influences. Panax Ginseng has also been associated with beneficial effects on motor performance, cognitive behavior and overall quality of life. Schizandra, grown in China and Korea is another premium herb found in OHM, used historically and today to help improve concentration, strength, stamina, endurance, and alertness, without causing nervousness like caffeine related stimulants. Panax ginseng is used as a so-called "adaptogen" for increasing resistance to environmental stress and as a general tonic for improving well-being. Schizandra is used as an adaptogen for increasing resistance to minor diseases and stress, increasing energy, and increasing physical performance and endurance. Agel™ OHM's schizandra and panax ginseng help increase your resistance against stressful influences and it may help to enhance your body's performance and mental focus, as well as reduce physical recovery time.”
What these claims don't talk about are the other ingredients like Taurine, which among other actions helps maintains healthy enzyme activity in the heart muscle, and contributes to the ability of the heart to pump. OHM also contains Ribose, a metabolic sugar. Many studies demonstrate the ability of ribose to restock fuel stores to the working muscles. Another key ingredient is chromium that is thought to be needed for glucose utilization by insulin in normal health.
All together OHM is a powerful formulation to support the body by providing the “extra energy” required to meet everyday demands.
Who do you know that needs an energy boost? Energy to get through the “3 o'clock slump”. Energy to chase the grandkids? Or energy to get on that windsurfer and sail all day. That's the one that appeals to me… what's your Agel™ OHM why?
Dr Jaroslav Boublik
As spring takes hold in my garden I know that summer isn't far away. For me summer is all about being outside. Whether it's on a windsurfer, mountain bike or just my running shoes I love to get out and enjoy the warm weather.
To really enjoy that outdoor time it's great to have lots of available energy. That energy is also important when we are working, spending time with family or travelling. To have the abundant energy we all want requires a balanced diet, good energy producing mechanisms, regular exercise and sufficient sleep. Those energy-producing mechanisms can be assisted by a range of supplementary nutrients. To make best use of that energy requires focus and optimal focus can also be supported, this time by specific herbs.
By now you may have guessed what this newsletter is going to be about — Agel™ OHM. We are so excited that OHM will soon be available in Australia and New Zealand and soon everyone will be able to experience the boost of energy that every gel pack releases in you.
We are also excited that OHM will be the first TGA Listed product from Agel™. What does that mean to Agel™? More importantly, what does that mean to you? First the TGA is the Therapeutic Goods Administration. They are a division of the Department of Health and Ageing and the Australian regulator of therapeutic goods, including all drugs and nutritional supplements. OHM is a Listed product — that means it is now included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) and to be on the register it has met certain requirements such as the safety of all ingredients, manufacturing in a TGA licensed facility, accurate packaging and a host of others.
The TGA also allows Agel™ to make certain sustainable claims for OHM. There are 2 claims that have been allowed for OHM.
The first is quite short, but extremely powerful, and states, “Aids, assists or helps in the maintenance of general well-being” This tells us that everyone who is serious about creating a state of wellbeing may benefit from the use of OHM.
The second claim is very long (and has some repetition because of the requirements related to the allowed claims for each ingredient) but gives a great overview of the important ingredients in OHM. It states, ”Agel OHM, is a blend of micronutrients and herbs that complements a proper diet and regular exercise to support the body by providing the “extra energy” required to meet everyday demands. It does not rely upon stimulants like caffeine. Rather, it looks to a B—complex vitamin—based formula that acts as a coenzyme to facilitate the body's own metabolic processes required to convert carbohydrates into energy. Panax Ginseng is included, a strong antioxidant helping the body to resist stressful influences. Panax Ginseng has also been associated with beneficial effects on motor performance, cognitive behavior and overall quality of life. Schizandra, grown in China and Korea is another premium herb found in OHM, used historically and today to help improve concentration, strength, stamina, endurance, and alertness, without causing nervousness like caffeine related stimulants. Panax ginseng is used as a so-called "adaptogen" for increasing resistance to environmental stress and as a general tonic for improving well-being. Schizandra is used as an adaptogen for increasing resistance to minor diseases and stress, increasing energy, and increasing physical performance and endurance. Agel™ OHM's schizandra and panax ginseng help increase your resistance against stressful influences and it may help to enhance your body's performance and mental focus, as well as reduce physical recovery time.”
What these claims don't talk about are the other ingredients like Taurine, which among other actions helps maintains healthy enzyme activity in the heart muscle, and contributes to the ability of the heart to pump. OHM also contains Ribose, a metabolic sugar. Many studies demonstrate the ability of ribose to restock fuel stores to the working muscles. Another key ingredient is chromium that is thought to be needed for glucose utilization by insulin in normal health.
All together OHM is a powerful formulation to support the body by providing the “extra energy” required to meet everyday demands.
Who do you know that needs an energy boost? Energy to get through the “3 o'clock slump”. Energy to chase the grandkids? Or energy to get on that windsurfer and sail all day. That's the one that appeals to me… what's your Agel™ OHM why?
Dr Jaroslav Boublik
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Be the Messenger in Your Agel Business
If you really want to stand out in networking, there's a way to do it. All it requires is a simple shift in the way you think: be the messenger, not the message.
There are simple actions you can take and tools you can use to accomplish this,and you'll notice a difference in the way you work.One common mistake networkers make is to think of themselves as the actual message. If you've ever done this, you feel more nervous to talk to new people than you should, you feel extra excited at a yes, and you feel unduly rejected at a no. Let's compare you and your Agel business to other kinds of messengers we have in our society: Pizza Hut, FedEx, Interflora Flowers. All of these deliveries come by messenger.
When FedEx comes to your door and delivers a package, the driver doesn't careif you open it right away, if you're excited or indifferent. He simply deliversit and is on to the next stop. He knows that if you reject the package, it'snot because you're rejecting him.
When you get your message out to as many people as you can, you find the ones who are excited. There are people out there who want what you have. Many don't know exactly what they're looking for, and it's up to you to guide them to the right opportunity and the right product.
Using business tools will help you do that. It takes the pressure off of you. You can easily cut to the chase and communicate the right information every time. You're putting a tangible piece of the company into someone's hands.
You're making things simple, not only so that people can understand your message, but so that they can later duplicate what you're doing.Make use of these tools to inspire people, unify your team, and simplify your strategy. You will create a predictable path for your business and take the guesswork out of building a residual income.
Your business is essentially a numbers game. Tell as many people as you can about it. Decide how many people you're going to talk to every day, how many Agel Phenomenon DVD's or Choosing Success Mag Packs you're going to hand out, how many business cards you're going to give out and collect, how many messages you will send to view one of the following sites;
You are the messenger. Get your message out, and use the above tools to help you make that happen.
There are simple actions you can take and tools you can use to accomplish this,and you'll notice a difference in the way you work.One common mistake networkers make is to think of themselves as the actual message. If you've ever done this, you feel more nervous to talk to new people than you should, you feel extra excited at a yes, and you feel unduly rejected at a no. Let's compare you and your Agel business to other kinds of messengers we have in our society: Pizza Hut, FedEx, Interflora Flowers. All of these deliveries come by messenger.
When FedEx comes to your door and delivers a package, the driver doesn't careif you open it right away, if you're excited or indifferent. He simply deliversit and is on to the next stop. He knows that if you reject the package, it'snot because you're rejecting him.
When you get your message out to as many people as you can, you find the ones who are excited. There are people out there who want what you have. Many don't know exactly what they're looking for, and it's up to you to guide them to the right opportunity and the right product.
Using business tools will help you do that. It takes the pressure off of you. You can easily cut to the chase and communicate the right information every time. You're putting a tangible piece of the company into someone's hands.
You're making things simple, not only so that people can understand your message, but so that they can later duplicate what you're doing.Make use of these tools to inspire people, unify your team, and simplify your strategy. You will create a predictable path for your business and take the guesswork out of building a residual income.
Your business is essentially a numbers game. Tell as many people as you can about it. Decide how many people you're going to talk to every day, how many Agel Phenomenon DVD's or Choosing Success Mag Packs you're going to hand out, how many business cards you're going to give out and collect, how many messages you will send to view one of the following sites;
You are the messenger. Get your message out, and use the above tools to help you make that happen.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Network Marketing Professional - Belief
There are 3 big emotional stages you will go through in your journey to become a Network Marketing Professional:
What is faith but believing in something you can't yet see? Another word for faith is imagination. Can you imagine growing into a Network Marketing Professional? Can you imagine what your organization will look like?While you're working on the disciplines required for success, you need to have faith that the hard work will pay off. If you keep the faith, you get to stage 2.
Move down the path... get some results... and hope joins faith and inspires you to keep going. And if you commit long enough, you'll get to stage 3.
Every Network Marketing Professional gets to this stage. Belief is rock solid. Belief isn't swayed by short-term setbacks. Belief doesn't need to be validated by someone else.It's okay if you don't have rock solid belief right now. And it's also okay if you haven't experienced enough to be super hopeful. All that is required to begin this process is faith... imagination. Over time, given some experience and success, that faith can be joined by hope and eventually, you'll find yourself in a place where you truly believe. And THAT is when the whole world will begin to attract to you.
We're talking about becoming a Professional and building a large organization. In order to do that, people need to know their leader is solid. So even if you are in faith mode right now, you have to act "as if" you are in rock solid belief mode. That means you can never let down in front of your team. You can never show uncertainty in front of your team. You can never be negative in front of your team.It's called "The price of leadership". If you let down in the smallest way, it will send a ripple of uncertainty through your group and shake their faith in incredible ways.So if you're feeling weak, vulnerable, frustrated, upset, uncertain or scared, GO HIDE! Hopefully you can find a friend in this industry (that's not in your group) to talk to about it, but you can NEVER show it to the marketplace.Let me say that another way... You CAN show it to the marketplace, but you have to understand the consequences. I watch people do it all the time and they wonder why their group isn't growing. When I finally learned to keep my "down" moments away from my organization, they began to have more faith in me.When that happened, my faith moved to hope and eventually to belief. And listen to me! Even though I went through that transition, most people in my group never saw the change. They thought I had belief all along!
One more thing on belief...If you don't have belief in yourself right now, borrow MINE.I want you to know you have greatness within you. You have talent in your that you haven't even reached for yet. And don't let anyone ever convince you otherwise.You can't control what others think and say, but you CAN control whether you believe it or now.If up until now, you haven't had anyone in your corner... encouraging you... proud of your... believing in you... let me be one person in your life who will always believe in the BEST in you.
Your friend, Eric Worre - Network Marketing Professional
What is faith but believing in something you can't yet see? Another word for faith is imagination. Can you imagine growing into a Network Marketing Professional? Can you imagine what your organization will look like?While you're working on the disciplines required for success, you need to have faith that the hard work will pay off. If you keep the faith, you get to stage 2.
Move down the path... get some results... and hope joins faith and inspires you to keep going. And if you commit long enough, you'll get to stage 3.
Every Network Marketing Professional gets to this stage. Belief is rock solid. Belief isn't swayed by short-term setbacks. Belief doesn't need to be validated by someone else.It's okay if you don't have rock solid belief right now. And it's also okay if you haven't experienced enough to be super hopeful. All that is required to begin this process is faith... imagination. Over time, given some experience and success, that faith can be joined by hope and eventually, you'll find yourself in a place where you truly believe. And THAT is when the whole world will begin to attract to you.
We're talking about becoming a Professional and building a large organization. In order to do that, people need to know their leader is solid. So even if you are in faith mode right now, you have to act "as if" you are in rock solid belief mode. That means you can never let down in front of your team. You can never show uncertainty in front of your team. You can never be negative in front of your team.It's called "The price of leadership". If you let down in the smallest way, it will send a ripple of uncertainty through your group and shake their faith in incredible ways.So if you're feeling weak, vulnerable, frustrated, upset, uncertain or scared, GO HIDE! Hopefully you can find a friend in this industry (that's not in your group) to talk to about it, but you can NEVER show it to the marketplace.Let me say that another way... You CAN show it to the marketplace, but you have to understand the consequences. I watch people do it all the time and they wonder why their group isn't growing. When I finally learned to keep my "down" moments away from my organization, they began to have more faith in me.When that happened, my faith moved to hope and eventually to belief. And listen to me! Even though I went through that transition, most people in my group never saw the change. They thought I had belief all along!
One more thing on belief...If you don't have belief in yourself right now, borrow MINE.I want you to know you have greatness within you. You have talent in your that you haven't even reached for yet. And don't let anyone ever convince you otherwise.You can't control what others think and say, but you CAN control whether you believe it or now.If up until now, you haven't had anyone in your corner... encouraging you... proud of your... believing in you... let me be one person in your life who will always believe in the BEST in you.
Your friend, Eric Worre - Network Marketing Professional
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Your Thoughts Decides Your Results
If one keeps thinking as he has thought
He will get what he has got
To get something that he has not
One has to change his thoughts
He will get what he has got
To get something that he has not
One has to change his thoughts
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Amazing Results With Ageless
At the Ageless launch, my wife insisted that I buy a set of Ageless because she was convinced on the goodness of the 100% natural ingredient promise of the product.
I decided to give the products a test. On 10 April 2008, I started using Ageless Revitalizing Gel Scrub [1/wk], Ageless Gentle Daily Cleansing Gel, Ageless Moisturizing Gel, Ageless Refreshing Anti Oxidant Misting Gel on my left hand, Using just only these 4 items from the range, within a week, I notice amazing results - my left hand looks so different from my right hand. The skin is much smoother, clearer, lighter and looks healthier.
I then decided to give the products a more stringent test and discontinued using the products from 10th May 2008. What is more amazing is that today 28th May 2008, my left hand still looks better than my right hand meaning the improvement of the skin condition is real and not cosmetic.
If Ageless can transform and make my skin looks better and healthier, what can EXO a similar product do for my internal organs. I am one EXO a day and I am now convince that I should continue to do so.
I decided to give the products a test. On 10 April 2008, I started using Ageless Revitalizing Gel Scrub [1/wk], Ageless Gentle Daily Cleansing Gel, Ageless Moisturizing Gel, Ageless Refreshing Anti Oxidant Misting Gel on my left hand, Using just only these 4 items from the range, within a week, I notice amazing results - my left hand looks so different from my right hand. The skin is much smoother, clearer, lighter and looks healthier.
I then decided to give the products a more stringent test and discontinued using the products from 10th May 2008. What is more amazing is that today 28th May 2008, my left hand still looks better than my right hand meaning the improvement of the skin condition is real and not cosmetic.
If Ageless can transform and make my skin looks better and healthier, what can EXO a similar product do for my internal organs. I am one EXO a day and I am now convince that I should continue to do so.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
What Will You Have In A Lifetime ?
Just want to share an interesting simple and accurate formula to calculate what you will have in a lifetime.
It is called the ABCD formula.
If A = Attitude , B = Beliefs, C = Committments & D = Dreams
Then how much you will have in a lifetime will be
= A x B x C x D [ point value from 0 - 100 ] ; and the max
= 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 = USD 100,000,000
If you are not earning what you desire, the formula will tell you where improvement is required.
Try calculating your earnings and find out what is stopping you !!!
It is called the ABCD formula.
If A = Attitude , B = Beliefs, C = Committments & D = Dreams
Then how much you will have in a lifetime will be
= A x B x C x D [ point value from 0 - 100 ] ; and the max
= 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 = USD 100,000,000
If you are not earning what you desire, the formula will tell you where improvement is required.
Try calculating your earnings and find out what is stopping you !!!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Reasons We Lose Motivation!!!
There are 3 primary reasons we lose motivation.
1. Lack of confidence - If you don’t believe you can succeed, what’s the point in trying?
2. Lack of focus - If you don’t know what you want, do you really want anything?
3. Lack of direction - If you don’t know what to do, how can you be motivated to do it?
How to Boost Confidence
The first motivation killer is a lack of confidence. When this happens to me, it’s usually because I’m focusing entirely on what I want and neglecting what I already have. When you only think about what you want, your mind creates explanations for why you aren’t getting it. This creates negative thoughts. Past failures, bad breaks, and personal weaknesses dominate your mind. You become jealous of your competitors and start making excuses for why you can’t succeed. In this state, you tend to make a bad impression, assume the worst about others, and lose self confidence.
The way to get out of this thought pattern is to focus on gratitude. Set aside time to focus on everything positive in your life. Make a mental list of your strengths, past successes, and current advantages. We tend to take our strengths for granted and dwell on our failures. By making an effort to feel grateful, you’ll realize how competent and successful you already are. This will rejuvenate your confidence and get you motivated to build on your current success.
It might sound strange that repeating things you already know can improve your mindset, but it’s amazingly effective. The mind distorts reality to confirm what it wants to believe. The more negatively you think, the more examples your mind will discover to confirm that belief. When you truly believe that you deserve success, your mind will generate ways to achieve it. The best way to bring success to yourself is to genuinely desire to create value for the rest of the world.
Developing Tangible Focus
The second motivation killer is a lack of focus. How often do you focus on what you don’t want, rather than on a concrete goal? We normally think in terms of fear. I’m afraid of being poor. I’m afraid no one will respect me. I’m afraid of being alone. The problem with this type of thinking is that fear alone isn’t actionable. Instead of doing something about our fear, it feeds on itself and drains our motivation.
If you’re caught up in fear based thinking, the first step is focusing that energy on a well defined goal. By defining a goal, you automatically define a set of actions. If you have a fear of poverty, create a plan to increase your income. It could be going back to school, obtaining a higher paying job, or developing a profitable website. The key is moving from an intangible desire to concrete, measurable steps.
By focusing your mind on a positive goal instead of an ambiguous fear, you put your brain to work. It instantly begins devising a plan for success. Instead of worrying about the future you start to do something about it. This is the first step in motivating yourself to take action. When know what you want, you become motivated to take action.
Developing Direction
The final piece in the motivational puzzle is direction. If focus means having an ultimate goal, direction is having a day-to-day strategy to achieve it. A lack of direction kills motivation because without an obvious next action we succumb to procrastination. An example of this is a person who wants to have a popular blog, but who spends more time reading posts about blogging than actually writing articles.
The key to finding direction is identifying the activities that lead to success. For every goal, there are activities that pay off and those that don’t. Make a list of all your activities and arrange them based on results. Then make a make an action plan that focuses on the activities that lead to big returns. To continue the example from above, a blogger’s list would look something like this:
1. Write content
2. Research relevant topics
3. Network with other bloggers
4. Optimize design and ad placements
5. Answer comments and email
6. Read other blogs
Keeping track of your most important tasks will direct your energy towards success. Without a constant reminder, it’s easy to waste entire days on filler activities like reading RSS feeds, email, and random web surfing.
When my motivation starts to wane, I regain direction by creating a plan that contains two positive actions. The first one should be a small task you’ve been meaning to do, while the second should be a long-term goal. I immediately do the smaller task. This creates positive momentum. After that I take the first step towards achieving the long-term goal. Doing this periodically is great for getting out of a slump, creating positive reinforcement, and getting long-term plans moving.
It’s inevitable that you’ll encounter periods of low energy, bad luck, and even the occasional failure. If you don’t discipline your mind, these minor speed bumps can turn into mental monsters. By being on guard against the top 3 motivation killers you can preserve your motivation and propel yourself to success.
1. Lack of confidence - If you don’t believe you can succeed, what’s the point in trying?
2. Lack of focus - If you don’t know what you want, do you really want anything?
3. Lack of direction - If you don’t know what to do, how can you be motivated to do it?
How to Boost Confidence
The first motivation killer is a lack of confidence. When this happens to me, it’s usually because I’m focusing entirely on what I want and neglecting what I already have. When you only think about what you want, your mind creates explanations for why you aren’t getting it. This creates negative thoughts. Past failures, bad breaks, and personal weaknesses dominate your mind. You become jealous of your competitors and start making excuses for why you can’t succeed. In this state, you tend to make a bad impression, assume the worst about others, and lose self confidence.
The way to get out of this thought pattern is to focus on gratitude. Set aside time to focus on everything positive in your life. Make a mental list of your strengths, past successes, and current advantages. We tend to take our strengths for granted and dwell on our failures. By making an effort to feel grateful, you’ll realize how competent and successful you already are. This will rejuvenate your confidence and get you motivated to build on your current success.
It might sound strange that repeating things you already know can improve your mindset, but it’s amazingly effective. The mind distorts reality to confirm what it wants to believe. The more negatively you think, the more examples your mind will discover to confirm that belief. When you truly believe that you deserve success, your mind will generate ways to achieve it. The best way to bring success to yourself is to genuinely desire to create value for the rest of the world.
Developing Tangible Focus
The second motivation killer is a lack of focus. How often do you focus on what you don’t want, rather than on a concrete goal? We normally think in terms of fear. I’m afraid of being poor. I’m afraid no one will respect me. I’m afraid of being alone. The problem with this type of thinking is that fear alone isn’t actionable. Instead of doing something about our fear, it feeds on itself and drains our motivation.
If you’re caught up in fear based thinking, the first step is focusing that energy on a well defined goal. By defining a goal, you automatically define a set of actions. If you have a fear of poverty, create a plan to increase your income. It could be going back to school, obtaining a higher paying job, or developing a profitable website. The key is moving from an intangible desire to concrete, measurable steps.
By focusing your mind on a positive goal instead of an ambiguous fear, you put your brain to work. It instantly begins devising a plan for success. Instead of worrying about the future you start to do something about it. This is the first step in motivating yourself to take action. When know what you want, you become motivated to take action.
Developing Direction
The final piece in the motivational puzzle is direction. If focus means having an ultimate goal, direction is having a day-to-day strategy to achieve it. A lack of direction kills motivation because without an obvious next action we succumb to procrastination. An example of this is a person who wants to have a popular blog, but who spends more time reading posts about blogging than actually writing articles.
The key to finding direction is identifying the activities that lead to success. For every goal, there are activities that pay off and those that don’t. Make a list of all your activities and arrange them based on results. Then make a make an action plan that focuses on the activities that lead to big returns. To continue the example from above, a blogger’s list would look something like this:
1. Write content
2. Research relevant topics
3. Network with other bloggers
4. Optimize design and ad placements
5. Answer comments and email
6. Read other blogs
Keeping track of your most important tasks will direct your energy towards success. Without a constant reminder, it’s easy to waste entire days on filler activities like reading RSS feeds, email, and random web surfing.
When my motivation starts to wane, I regain direction by creating a plan that contains two positive actions. The first one should be a small task you’ve been meaning to do, while the second should be a long-term goal. I immediately do the smaller task. This creates positive momentum. After that I take the first step towards achieving the long-term goal. Doing this periodically is great for getting out of a slump, creating positive reinforcement, and getting long-term plans moving.
It’s inevitable that you’ll encounter periods of low energy, bad luck, and even the occasional failure. If you don’t discipline your mind, these minor speed bumps can turn into mental monsters. By being on guard against the top 3 motivation killers you can preserve your motivation and propel yourself to success.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Spot The Leader!
To identify a good leader, see if he has these 10 essential qualities!!
No organisation can rise above the quality of it's leadership. Because leadership is a position that must be earned day in and day out, there are important personal choices that both new and experienced leaders must make on a regular basis.
Effective leaders are, first and foremost, effective people. Personal ethics cannot be separated from professional ethics. Therefore, the character of the leader is ESSENTIAL.
The following list of 10 characteristics is a valuable guide for quality living, in addition to being an important criteria for leadership.
1. A High Standard of Personal Ethics.
This quality leads the list. Honest Abraham Lincoln, who walks miles to return a customer's change is a classic example of how personal ethics are reflected in professional conduct. Decisions made under pressure and/or temptations separate the great leaders from the impostors.
2. High Energy.
Great leaders are not exhausted from dealing with petty issues. These people know right from wrong as well as the difference between what is truly important and what is merely interesting.
3. Walking The Talk.
The ability to work on priorities shares equal importance with setting priorities. many brilliant priority list end up in the landfill of life. The difference between setting priorities and working on them is the difference between a dreamer and a doer.
4. Courage.
The willingness to take risks and accept responsibility for the outcome is a consistent quality among effective leaders. Either you or your fears will control everything you do. An organisation will be no bolder than the leader.
5. Dedication
Committed and dedicated hardworking leaders will eventually develop dedicated and hardworking organisations, regardless of whom they start with or the experience they bring to the job.
6. Creativity.
Unorthodox leaders have an urge to create and do not have patience to deal with red tape before acting. Effective leaders are innovators who get bored easily and prefer shaping tomorrow to repeating yesterday.
7. Focussed.
Great leaders have the goal orientation to make tough decisions. Goal orientation produces drive and energy that shield them from the pain of the task. Keeping an organisation focussed increases efficiency.
8. Genuine Enthusiasm.
This is contagious. People look to their leaders for enthusiasm. The inspiration level of the organisation is directly proportionate to the enthusiasm of the leader, be it high or low.
9. Cool Under Pressure.
Level headed people make realistic leaders who respond to problems rather than simply react. A leader ho can stay cool under pressure inspires confidence among those in the organisation and empowers them to do the same.
10. Caring.
The desire to help others succeed is the mark of a truly great leader. Synergy is created when a leader truly invest his efforts in the success of others. Motivational speacker Zig Ziglar says: "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care about them."
Whether you are trying to increase your own effectiveness as a leader or are trying to develop leadership talent within your organisation, keep studying the characteristics of those you consider to be great leaders.
Remember that Leadership is a ART, not a Science.
The difference between a genuine effective leader and a short-term motivator can be found in the personal decisions an individual makes when choosing how to liv his life.
Long-term commitment to the principles described above will produce an effective leader and over time, an inspired organisation - source: ST/ANN
These are the Qualities that VXL Leaders must develop
- to be able to lead and inspire success.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Power Boost!!!
Mental Focus and Physical Energy? Is that what you want after lunch in the afternoon? Do you feel your brain is turning to mush? And sometimes feel lethargic and having difficulty concentrating?
AGEL OHM is formulated to help provide a boost of extra power. It’s a potent blend of vitamins, minerals and herbs, with a proper diet and regular exercise. OHM is packed with coenzymes that smooth the way for the breakdown of carbohydrates into immediate energy. So, it helps you resist stressful influences, and it enhances your body’s performance and the most important- Mental Focus!!!
Active Ingredients:
Taurine, D-Ribose, Schizandra Fruit, Apple Cider Vinegar, Panax ginseng, Rhodiola, Thiamine HCL, Riboflavin, Niacinamide, calcium Pantothenate, Pyridoxine HCL, Cyanocobalamin, Chromium Chelate, Vanadium Chelate, Inositol.
Ingredients like Schizandra, Rhodiola and Panax Ginseng help increase your resistance against stressful influences and it may help your body’s performance and mental focus, as well as reduce physical recovery time. Meanwhile, Taurine, a wide range of B vitamins, and D-Ribose, which has been shown to enhance physical performance and strength.
Agel scientists combined all of these top-of-line ingredients together into a unique proprietary formula to create a portable pack for when you need a blast of energy and alertness.
AGEL OHM is formulated to help provide a boost of extra power. It’s a potent blend of vitamins, minerals and herbs, with a proper diet and regular exercise. OHM is packed with coenzymes that smooth the way for the breakdown of carbohydrates into immediate energy. So, it helps you resist stressful influences, and it enhances your body’s performance and the most important- Mental Focus!!!
Active Ingredients:
Taurine, D-Ribose, Schizandra Fruit, Apple Cider Vinegar, Panax ginseng, Rhodiola, Thiamine HCL, Riboflavin, Niacinamide, calcium Pantothenate, Pyridoxine HCL, Cyanocobalamin, Chromium Chelate, Vanadium Chelate, Inositol.
Ingredients like Schizandra, Rhodiola and Panax Ginseng help increase your resistance against stressful influences and it may help your body’s performance and mental focus, as well as reduce physical recovery time. Meanwhile, Taurine, a wide range of B vitamins, and D-Ribose, which has been shown to enhance physical performance and strength.
Agel scientists combined all of these top-of-line ingredients together into a unique proprietary formula to create a portable pack for when you need a blast of energy and alertness.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Shortcut to Success!!!
Just follow these few simple steps consistently, and you will discover the beauty of it.
***PLAN** **while others are playing.
***STUDY** **while others are sleeping.
***DECIDE** **while others are delaying.
***PREPARE** **while others are daydreaming.
***BEGIN** **while others are procrastinating.
***WORK** **while others are wishing.
***SAVE** **while others are wasting.
***LISTEN** **while others are talking.
***SMILE** **while others are frowning.
***COMMEND** **while others are criticizing.
***PERSIST** **while others are quitting.
***PLAN** **while others are playing.
***STUDY** **while others are sleeping.
***DECIDE** **while others are delaying.
***PREPARE** **while others are daydreaming.
***BEGIN** **while others are procrastinating.
***WORK** **while others are wishing.
***SAVE** **while others are wasting.
***LISTEN** **while others are talking.
***SMILE** **while others are frowning.
***COMMEND** **while others are criticizing.
***PERSIST** **while others are quitting.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Managers Are Made, Not Born
Companies (Uplines) need to train Managers (Team Leaders) how to handle and motivate their subordinates (Team Members)
Imagine the following scenario:
* You pay a visit to your doctor one day and in the course of the conversation, he lets slip that he has no formal medical qualifications? However, he tells you not to worry because he has been involved in the "doctoring" business for years and has had lots of experience and read several books on the subject.
I bet you would be out of his clinic like a shot.
* You want to employ a car mechanic to look after your company vehicles. One application tells you how good he is at fixing cars and trucks. "Been doing it for years," he says, adding that the only thing is that he has not served as apprenticeship noe has he had any other form of formal training.
Would you give him a job? Of course, you wouldn't.
In network marketing, where the most important and most expensive asset - the team players - have you considered that the primarily goal is to build trust in your team members?
You would have realized how often when familiarizing new team members, that we took the traditional route - getting them to do stuff like planning, name listing, prospecting, problem solving and dealing with objections.
However, none of the above will help your new team member to motivate his new team/ new business.
"Tiger Woods has a natural talent for golf but he has been listening to trainers and coaches for years and he still does."
My question to you is... Would you?
So, if you want to make your life successful at managing people (to achieve MLM success), i suggest you do the same: get the coaching and training you need and keep on learning - be open and be coachable.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Ageless Intensive Anti-Aging Gel Serum
Ageless: Seven products to improve the one-and-only-you. Your skin is the last part of your body to receive nutrients. Now, with Ageless, your skin's wellness comes first. With a blend of natural ingredients and the latest in skin care technology, Ageless products pamper your skin. From cleansers to moisturizers, each product in this unique line is especially designed to help your skin thrive.
Directions: Apply two to three pumps daily to entire face and neck with fingertips after cleansing and toning. Serum can also be used under make up. Follow with Ageless day or night Moisturizing Gel.
Caution: Avoid contact with eyes. If contact occurs, flush thoroughly with water. Consult a physician if irritation persists. Keep out of reach of children.
Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Agel EXO extract, Euterpe oleracea (Acai) extract, Pumica Granatum (pomrgranate) extract, Vitis Vinifera (Grape) seed oil, Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) leaf extract, Chamomilla Recutita (Charmomile) extract, Camellia Sinensis (Green Tea) leaf extract, Hamamelis Virginiana (Witch Hazel) distillate, Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E), Retinyl Palmitate (Vitamin A), Ascorbyl Palmitate (Vitamin C), Panthenol (Vitamin B5), Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein, Squalene, Allantoin, Glycerin, Hydroxyethyl Cellulose, Methyl Glucose Sesquistearate, Beta Glucan, Sodium Hyaluronate, Maltodextrin, Dimethicone Copolyol, Xanthan Gum, Disodium EDTA, Hydroxyethyl Acrylate, Sodium Acryloyldimethyltaurate Copolymer, olysorbate 60, Phenooxyethanol, Chlorphenesin, PPG-1-PEG-9 :auryl Glycol Ether, Fragrance (Parfum), Red (CI 14700, Blue (CI 42090). *
Net Weight: 1.0 fl oz / 30 ml
* Natural Ingredients may cause colour variations.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Ageless Refreshing Antioxidant Misting Gel
Ageless: Seven products to improve the one-and-only-you. Your skin is the last part of your body to receive nutrients. Now, with Ageless, your skin's wellness comes first. With a blend of natural ingredients and the latest in skin care technology, Ageless products pamper your skin. From cleansers to moisturizers, each product in this unique line is especially designed to help your skin thrive.
Directions: Mist onto cleansed face and neck in the morning and night. Allow 2 mins for ample hydration prior to using Ageless Serum and Ageless Day or Night Moisturizing Gel.
Caution: Avoid contact with eyes. If contact occurs, flush thoroughly with water. Consult a physician if irritation persists. Keep out of reach of children.
Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Aloe barbadensis (Aloe Vera) leaf extract, Chamomilla recutita (Chamomile) leaf extract, Agel EXO extract, Cucumis sativus (Cucumber) fruit extract, Euterpe oleracea (Acai) extract, Pumica Granatum (Pomegranate) extract, Hamamelis virginiana (Witch Hazel) distillate, Panthenol (Vitamin B5), Allantoin, Hydrolyzed Vegetable protein, Glycereth 26, Sodium Hyaluronate, Maltodextrin, Beta Glucan, Glycerin, Hydroxyethyl Cellulose, Dimenthicone copolyol, Phenoxyethanol, Chlorphenesin, Polysorbate 20, Disodium EDTA, Fragrance (Parfum), Red (CI 14700), Blue (CI 42090). *
Net Weight: 4.0 fl oz / 120 ml
* Natural ingredients may cause colour variations.
Ageless Revitalising Gel Scrub
Ageless: Seven products to improve the one-and-only-you. Your skin is the last part of your body to receive nutrients. Now, with Ageless, your skin's wellness comes first. With a blend of natural ingredients and the latest in skin care technology, Ageless products pamper your skin. From cleansers to moisturizers, each product in this unique line is especially designed to help your skin thrive.
Directions: Apply a moderate amount to palm. Then using your fingers, gently massage onto face and neck area in a circular motion. Avoid areas around the eyes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. Gentle enough to exfoliate skin 4-5 times a week. Follow with Ageless Misting Gel, Serum and Moisturizer.
Caution: Avoid contact with eyes. If contact occurs, flush thoroughly with water. Consult a physician if irritation persists. Keep out of reach of children.
Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Cacomidopropyl Hydroxysultaine, Jojoba Esters, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Glyceryl Stearate, PEG-100 Stearate, Cetearyl Alcohol, Cetyl Alcohol, Stearic Acid, Glycerin, Simmondsia Chinensis (jojoba) seed oil, Agel EXO extract, Vitis vinifera (Grape) seed oil, Zinggiber officinale (Ginger) root extract, Euterpe oleracea (Acai) extract, Pumica granatum (pomegranate) extract, Lavandula angustifolia (Lavender) extract, Aloe barbadensis (Aleo Vera) leaf extract, Saponaria officinalis (Soapwort) extract, Bisabolol, Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E), Panthenol (Vitamin B5), Allantoin, Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein, Sodium Hyalurinate, Dimenthicone Copolyol, Hydroxyethyl Celloluse, Disodium EDTA, Phenoxythenol, Maltodextrin, Beta Glucan, Fragrance (Parfum), Chlorphenesin. *
Net Weight: 3.8 fl oz / 112 ml
* Natural ingredients may cause colour variations.
Ageless Gentle Daily Cleaning Gel
Ageless: Seven products to improve the one-and-only-you. Your skin is the last part of your body to receive nutrients. Now, with Ageless, your skin's wellness comes first. With a blend of natural ingredients and the latest in skin care technology, Ageless products pamper your skin. From cleansers to moisturizers, each product in this unique line is especially designed to help your skin thrive.
Directions: Apply gently to damp face in the morning and night. Avoid the areas aroound the eyes. Massage lightly with fingertips in circular motion and rinse with lukewarm water. Follow with Ageless Misting Gel.
Caution: Avoid contact with eyes. If contact occurs, flush thoroughly with water. Consult a physician if irritation persist. Keep out of reach of children.
Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Cocamidopropyl Hydroxysultaine, Decyl Glucoside, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Agel EXO Extract, Vitis vinifers (Grape) seed oil, Bisabolol, Zingiber officinate (Ginger) root extract, Aloe barbadensis (Aloe Vera) leaf extract, Euterpe oleracea (Acai) extract, Pumica granatum (pomegranate) extract, Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E), Panthenol (Vitamin B5), Allantoin, Hydrolyzed vegetable protein, PEG 150 Distearate, Cocamide MEA, Glycerin, Polysorbate 20, Dimethicone Copolyol, Disodium EDTA, Phenoxyethanol, Chlorphenesin, Sodium Hyaluronate, Beta Glucan, Fragrance (Parfum), Maltodextrin, Ext Violet 2 (CI 60730), Red 28 (CI 45410) *
Net Weight: 5.5fl oz/ 165ml
* Natural ingredients may cause colour variations.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
The Pareto principle (also known as the 80-20 rule, the law of the vital few ) states that, for many events, 80% of the results flow from 20% of the causes.
You can apply the 80/20 Rule to almost anything, from management to the way we live.
Pareto's Principle, the 80/20 Rule, should serve as a daily reminder to focus 80 percent of your time and energy on the 20 percent of your work that is really important. Don't just "work hard", work smart on the right things.
The simple fact is not everyone can be a famous artist. Not everyone will start a million dollar business, however you can work smarter TODAY to find greater fulfillment, and that is what living an 80/20 lifestyle is all about. Best of all, your likelihood of becoming one of the famous artists or entrepreneurs is enhanced if you adjust your life to follow the 80/20 Rule whereby you will tap into what you do best more often than NOT!!
You can apply the 80/20 Rule to almost anything, from management to the way we live.
Pareto's Principle, the 80/20 Rule, should serve as a daily reminder to focus 80 percent of your time and energy on the 20 percent of your work that is really important. Don't just "work hard", work smart on the right things.
The simple fact is not everyone can be a famous artist. Not everyone will start a million dollar business, however you can work smarter TODAY to find greater fulfillment, and that is what living an 80/20 lifestyle is all about. Best of all, your likelihood of becoming one of the famous artists or entrepreneurs is enhanced if you adjust your life to follow the 80/20 Rule whereby you will tap into what you do best more often than NOT!!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
When you want to turn things around for your team, start from scratch. Here are three steps:
1. Discuss the team's performance. Recognize the heroes and their achievements. Then clearly outline problem areas where the team must make dramatic improvements. If you soften your message, you won't communicate the situation's urgency.
2. Break with the past. Assure reps that no matter how bad things were before, from now on, everyone can be a winner. The past is over and things are going to change dramatically--if everyone is willing to take necessary steps.
3. Ask for a commitment. Set new goals that are attainable, yet higher than they used to be. Reps may afraid at first, but they'll soon become proud of what they accomplish and begin to recognize that they really can be winners.
1. Discuss the team's performance. Recognize the heroes and their achievements. Then clearly outline problem areas where the team must make dramatic improvements. If you soften your message, you won't communicate the situation's urgency.
2. Break with the past. Assure reps that no matter how bad things were before, from now on, everyone can be a winner. The past is over and things are going to change dramatically--if everyone is willing to take necessary steps.
3. Ask for a commitment. Set new goals that are attainable, yet higher than they used to be. Reps may afraid at first, but they'll soon become proud of what they accomplish and begin to recognize that they really can be winners.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
How PEAK Performers Take Control Of Their Lives
They are disciplined and highly motivated. Here's how you can be too.
Is your work and life organisation out of control? Do you read all the management books but still never seem to have enough time?
Take a page out of the peak performer's book of life and hear what they do to organise, choose tasks wisely, execute well, achieve highly and enjoy their success at the same time.
Here are 10 mental game success strategies that peak performers use in self management.
1. Know what motivates you.
Top performers know what makes them tick. They know what it takes to get the creative, competitive juices flowing. They know how to tap their passion and create the energy for a project. They assess what motivates them and then seek opportunities to match those energies.
2. Be aware of your options.
People who race through their day are like a race-car driver. Te view around them is a blur. Slow down to notice your options and sense new opportunities. You create this clear focus by starting each day and each task with a quiet time that realigns you with your purpose, mission and values.
3. Train yourself to act promptly.
Reflection, planning and strategising are essential. When the time comes to act, the peak performer goes for it enthusiastically - he pulls out all the stops.
4. Realise that you never arrive.
Listen to high achievers and they all say that they wish they knew early on that success and happiness are not something "out there" in the future. Success is striving towards a goal while being content and grateful for what you have today.
Seek your dreams with reverence for the gifts you have been given now and do not put happiness off until something "better" arrives.
5. Use success to energise yourself.
Do you celebrate only your large successes? Do you downplay the smaller, day-to-day victories? Peak performers celebrate both and more. They seek opportunities to reinforce their efforts so that they are continually energised and motivated to stay on track and to perform at higher levels.
6. Realise that life is a do-it-yourself project.
Peak performers do not wait for anyone to save them, coach them or help them overcome obstacles. They of course seek help as needed, but first and foremost they take an "I must help myself first" approach to life. They realise that success begins and ends with them, and that the initiative in helping themselves first.
7. Understand that life is not a dress rehearsal.
Life is short, life is unpredictable. Life needs to be lived today, in the PRESENT! Peak performers carry a continual sense of mortality around to remind themselves that every second is precious. Therefore, everything they do deserves their best, highest-quality effort.
8. Get ready to act!
Peak performers use rituals or psych-up systems to prepare themselves for springing into action with laser focus. They purposely take time before any "performance" to mentally, physically and emotionally get ready so that they can operate optimally for that special moment.
9. Write to stay on track.
Top performers use a written journal to sharpen self-awareness, dream, savour victories , make corrections, set goals and objectives and have a private confidant.
10. Stop Procrastinating!
To ignore something you must do is like making a decision not to do it. Peak performers strive for the mental discipline it takes to make reasoned decisions, to hold themselves accountable and to minimise the number of tasks that they "forgot about".
Your Mental Game Plan
What action will you take this week to become better at self-management? Here are three steps to get you started:
1. Think of a system you can use to become more organised. can you hire a coach? work with a friend? write in a journal?
2. Celebrate your successes more often to create energy and momentum for achieving your goals. Instead of waiting for the "big" success at the end of the month, quarter or year, think about what you can view as a success worthy of enjoying every day.
3. Translate what you have learn about yourself into immediately useful action. Learn to motivate yourself, create more urgency to achieve, enjoy the process more, and get more done.
Peak Performers create a healthy sense of urgency to propel themselves along their exciting path. take a page out of their book and write your own success chapters in that very important book - of your life.
source: ST/ANN
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Suspension Gel Technology, for supplements
We could call it a "breakthrough Innovation", but really......
It's all about the gel. What is Gel?
It's a plant based , gelatinous fluid that allows basic nutrient to "float". When nutrients "float", they stay dissolved and "suspended" and are *more portable, *easier to digest, *more accurate in their dosage and more *readily absorbed by your body.
Based on Agel's proprietary Suspension Gel Technology formula, we presently provide nutritional supplements made of the finest vitamins, minerals and herbs from around the world - just for you and your family.

Agel is available in Malaysia. We have many team members and friends who have tried the products and in their own special way, have what we can call their "Unique Agel Product Experience".
The following is a collation of their candid and solid testimonials. We welcome you to contribute your very own product experience here too. Click onto "comment" and pen us your special Agel Experience. Grip, Rip and Sip!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
7 Steps Blast Off
The most important thing is to get your Major Blast going!
You will want to expose as many people as you can to the Agel opportunity using the 3rd party prospecting tools that are made available. This is the KEY. And the more you do, the higher your chances to SUCCEED! Understand also that you DO NOT need to be "selling" the products or opportunity.
Step 1: PBR Blast
The foundation of recruiting is Private Business Reception (PBRs). These are informal get together at your home, where you can invite the key people you would like on your team to preview the opportunity. It is very friendly, non-threatening way for candidates to see what the Agel business is all about.
Step 2: "Choosing Success" Blast
You will want to get at least 50 of the "choosing success" Mag packs into the hands of prospects in your first 10 days (average 5 per day). Emphasize that they should watch The Agel Phenomenon DVD inside. This steps is best for people you don;t think will come to your home for a PBR, but still need to see the business.
Step 3: Phone Blast
This step works best for people you have influence with, who don't live close enough to get a packet to quickly or can't attend your PBR. Call them personally with a sense of urgency. Send them to Agel Phenomenon video link at and make sure you follow up on a specific date.
Step 4: Long Distance Blast
Mail out to at least 10 information packs to candidates whi live long distance from you. This pack should include the Choosing Success" mag-pack, "Vibrant Living Journal" product catalog and 3/4 product samples properly wrapped. Put in a handwritten note like "URGENT: Please watch the DVD inside. Look this over and let me know what you think."
Step 5: E-Mail Blast
Perfect for people you have emails for, but not a physical address. It is also great for your prospects in other countries where sending packets is costly. Use the 2 step email campaign. Do customise each message with a few personal comments as this will increase the response rate. Send them part 2 when they show interest and follow up within 24 hours.
Step 6: MLM Blast
This is designed for people who are in the network marketing or have been involved in the past. Give them the "Operations Grinder Rescue" tool. you may also send prospects to the online version at This is a free site you may send prospects to. Again, remember to follow up promptly.
Step 7: Drop Blast
Drop 5 to 10 "Choosing Success" mag-packs off at 20 different locations in your local market. pack your name stickers on it. It can be your favourite areas such as hairstyling saloon, doctors waiting rooms, hotel lobbies, coffee shops etc. This can attract people you don't know yet, and works for you around the clock.
This is the summary of Massive Calls that will surely improve your chances to SUCCEED!!
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