Thursday, November 27, 2008

Never-Ending Prospects!

One of the greatest misconceptions in our industry is that you need to know a lot of people to succeed. In fact, most people won't even JOIN a network marketing opportunity until they have a "Mental Checklist" of people who are likely to join also! This creates a lottery mentality where everyone just hopes to sign a few of their contacts and get lucky.

Seriously, it amazes me that people still buy into this weak-minded approach. And THEN, when it doesn't work out, they blame network marketing! Give me a break.

POSERS create a mental checklist, contact a few of them and, if no one jumps at it, they quit.

AMATEURS make a common mistake. I made it. Most people I know made it. And that is... to make a written list and then proceed to contact those prospects until they run out... all the while hoping they can get some to join before they don't have anyone left to talk to.

I remember when I finally ran out. It was very depressing and discouraging. I didn't know what to do. And then I learned how Professionals approach prospecting, which I will now share with all of you.

PROFESSIONALS do the following:
- They make a written list of prospects
- They begin to invite those prospects to view the opportunity

If they think of other people, they add them to the list.

If they meet someone new, they add them to the list.

And they make sure to constantly put themselves in a position to meet new people.

They raise their awareness and WORK to add at least 2 people to their list EVERY DAY. If you think about it, that skill is not that difficult, even for introverted people like me. If you open your mind to people and if you get out of your house and into the world, adding 2 a day is very possible. And that would give you an extra 730 people a year to talk to!!!!

And please understand that I'm not talking about turning you into some kind of predator. We don't hunt for people and as soon as we find them, jump down their throats with the opportunity. Professionals just add them to the list and then, at an appropriate time, expose that person to the opportunity in a professional way.

Remember, we're in a sorting business, not a convincing business. All we do is give people an opportunity to understand what we do and then, either they will see it or they won't.

Professionals make that approach in a way that doesn't pressure, bully or offend.

Amateurs are just trying to make a quick buck. The internet is full of them. They wreck relationships and you can smell them a mile away.

Being a Network Marketing Professional is a decision, and it's an awesome way to have the ultimate career.

So my assignment for all of you would be to:
1. REMAKE your contact list with as many names as possible. No prejudging. Every name can lead you to another name.
2. DECIDE to add at least 2 people per day to that list.
3. Begin working on a Professional way to approach & invite

I hope that's helpful.

Your friend,

Eric Worre - Network Marketing Professional

The Importance Of A Good Upline!

Over the past week or two, I've spoken with a number of people who have complained to me about their upline.

• Some said they just didn't get along with them, didn't receive the proper amount of respect or got their feelings hurt in one way or another.
• Others said they were disappointed in the support they were receiving.
• Still others were wondering if they even had a chance to succeed since their upline was no longer actively building a business.

My answer to all of them was the same...


This dependent mindset has always confused me. Maybe it's a hold over belief system from working in the traditional world. Maybe it's the need to blame someone else for their lack of success. Maybe it's just avoidance behavior so they don't have to face the reality that they just might have to step forward and lead. I don't know for sure.

All I know is this... I have NEVER viewed my upline as critical to my success.

That responsibility falls on my shoulders.

A common trait of the true Network Marketing Professional is they don't feel the need for "upline support". Of course, they'll work with their upline if they are like-minded and use them as a resource from time to time, but they never use them as an excuse.

So each of you just might want to engage in the following exercise... Call your upline and say "Thank you so much for the introduction to the company. I'm just calling to say goodbye. I'll be surpassing your levels of success very soon. I'm sure we'll connect from time to time at events, on conference calls or at training functions and we might even help each other out with 3-way calls or some other form of mutual support, but as for me and my business... I'll take it from here." (Of course, all of that would be said with a smile, not with a negative attitude)

If you do that, maybe... just maybe, you're ready to take your business and your life to the next level.

Your friend,

Eric Worre - Network Marketing Professional