Monday, July 28, 2008

You Need Big Dreams To Suceed

Imagine standing on an apple. It will be difficult. You will be unsteady, swaying in all directions and much effort is required of you to maintain your stand. You may even require a few people to hold your hands to do so.

Imagine standing on a pumpkin. It will be relatively easy to do so, right ? You will be steady and little effort is required for you to maintain your stand. If the pumpkin is a giant one, you can even invite some of your friends to stand on it too.

If your dream is as big as an apple, are you unlikely to be successful? You will lack confidence; direction and a lot of your efforts will be wasted as you move in all directions except towards your goals.

If your dream is as big as a giant pumpkin. You will move steadily, full of confidence and you will move efficiently towards your goals. You can even ‘lend’ your family, friends and biz partners your dream while they create theirs.

So start thinking BIG and have BIG dreams.

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