Thursday, April 17, 2008


When you want to turn things around for your team, start from scratch. Here are three steps:

1. Discuss the team's performance. Recognize the heroes and their achievements. Then clearly outline problem areas where the team must make dramatic improvements. If you soften your message, you won't communicate the situation's urgency.

2. Break with the past. Assure reps that no matter how bad things were before, from now on, everyone can be a winner. The past is over and things are going to change dramatically--if everyone is willing to take necessary steps.

3. Ask for a commitment. Set new goals that are attainable, yet higher than they used to be. Reps may afraid at first, but they'll soon become proud of what they accomplish and begin to recognize that they really can be winners.

1 comment:

Kean Joo said...

This is very relevant, for many biz situations. Unless you face up to the issues at hand and am sincere to identify the cause of it, you will not find the way out of your predicament! Good reminder.