Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Network Marketing Professional - Belief

There are 3 big emotional stages you will go through in your journey to become a Network Marketing Professional:


What is faith but believing in something you can't yet see? Another word for faith is imagination. Can you imagine growing into a Network Marketing Professional? Can you imagine what your organization will look like?While you're working on the disciplines required for success, you need to have faith that the hard work will pay off. If you keep the faith, you get to stage 2.


Move down the path... get some results... and hope joins faith and inspires you to keep going. And if you commit long enough, you'll get to stage 3.


Every Network Marketing Professional gets to this stage. Belief is rock solid. Belief isn't swayed by short-term setbacks. Belief doesn't need to be validated by someone else.It's okay if you don't have rock solid belief right now. And it's also okay if you haven't experienced enough to be super hopeful. All that is required to begin this process is faith... imagination. Over time, given some experience and success, that faith can be joined by hope and eventually, you'll find yourself in a place where you truly believe. And THAT is when the whole world will begin to attract to you.

We're talking about becoming a Professional and building a large organization. In order to do that, people need to know their leader is solid. So even if you are in faith mode right now, you have to act "as if" you are in rock solid belief mode. That means you can never let down in front of your team. You can never show uncertainty in front of your team. You can never be negative in front of your team.It's called "The price of leadership". If you let down in the smallest way, it will send a ripple of uncertainty through your group and shake their faith in incredible ways.So if you're feeling weak, vulnerable, frustrated, upset, uncertain or scared, GO HIDE! Hopefully you can find a friend in this industry (that's not in your group) to talk to about it, but you can NEVER show it to the marketplace.Let me say that another way... You CAN show it to the marketplace, but you have to understand the consequences. I watch people do it all the time and they wonder why their group isn't growing. When I finally learned to keep my "down" moments away from my organization, they began to have more faith in me.When that happened, my faith moved to hope and eventually to belief. And listen to me! Even though I went through that transition, most people in my group never saw the change. They thought I had belief all along!

One more thing on belief...If you don't have belief in yourself right now, borrow MINE.I want you to know you have greatness within you. You have talent in your that you haven't even reached for yet. And don't let anyone ever convince you otherwise.You can't control what others think and say, but you CAN control whether you believe it or now.If up until now, you haven't had anyone in your corner... encouraging you... proud of your... believing in you... let me be one person in your life who will always believe in the BEST in you.

Your friend, Eric Worre - Network Marketing Professional

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