Sunday, July 6, 2008

HRT Product Highlights By Dr Jaroslav Boublik

Though I am from Melbourne Australia, I write this on the 4th of July from a hotel room in Provo Utah, just a few miles from the Agel global headquarters. I have been in the US for a week and felt really privileged to be involved in the launch of Agel's latest product HRT at the Orlando Mastermind event over the weekend. I presented the science behind this wonderful product to 2000 excited Agel Team Members and it was by far the pinnacle of my time as a Geldoc.

To give you a little of my background that is relevant to my particular interest in HRT, my father passed away when I was 12 years old of a massive coronary. He had been a long time smoker in a high stress job and, while he was not overweight, his food choices, in retrospect, could have been better. Dad's birthday was July 4th and he would have been 90 today. I can't help but wonder if HRT had've been around 40 years ago if he may have made it….

That experience set me on a path to pursue a career in medical research and after getting a PhD. in neuroendocrinology I came to the US to do a Post-Doc in peptide research at the Salk Institute, in La Jolla CA. My interest turned back to cardiovascular research and I worked on a newly discovered peptide, Neuropeptide Y, which was found to be important in blood pressure control. It's interesting to note that the most recent research on NPY suggests that it is important in managing the drive to consume carbohydrates so NPY-related compounds may prove important in controlling obesity. I guess this shows how intimately linked all these systems are.

When I went back to Australia I set up and, for 5 years, ran the Peptide Chemistry Laboratory at the Baker Medical Research Institute, Australia's #1 centre for cardiovascular research. As time went on I became disillusioned with the drug therapy approach to medicine and became increasingly interested in nutritional medicine. I studied nutritional and complementary medicine and in 1994 left the Baker Institute to start my own company, focused on nutritional and complementary medicine research and development. As part of that work I'm always looking for the latest technologies in nutrition and nutrient delivery and late in 2005 I came across Agel. I immediately saw that the Suspension Gel delivery system was a concept before it's time and I have been involved in Agel as a member of the “Geldocs” Professional Advisory Team since early 2006.

Agel's product development guru, Joel Rockwood, conceived HRT and the Geldocs provided advisory services during its development so in some ways it's the first product to emerge from a co-operative development process and as such we are all very proud of it. Joel has done an amazing job getting a formulation together for maximal effectiveness and a wonderful butterscotch flavour. HRT contains a series of critical nutrients that assist in managing cholesterol levels, maintaining optimal homo-cysteine levels (an important marker for vascular damage), supporting both baseline, and exercise-induced, cardiac muscle energy production and provide several cardiovascular-specific antioxidants to manage free radical production.

I believe that the key to maintaining long-term wellness, if you already enjoy a good level of health, or developing it if you don't, is a concerted program of preventative practices. They include; regular (daily) consumption of a broad range of high quality nutritional supplements - like the Agel range, making careful food choices based on predominately fresh foods, regular exercise, some kind of stress management activity, and adequate sleep. This kind of program applies directly to cardiovascular health and will help manage your “cardiovascular disease risk factors”. These fall into two groups; fixed risks - those that you can't do anything about, and variable, or manageable, risks - those that you can address and minimise. Fixed risks include your chronological age, gender and genetic inheritance. For me, with a parent who died at an early age (54) of cardiovascular disease, my genetic inheritance risk is high so I must work even harder to manage the risks I can address. The manageable risks include; obesity, elevated blood cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, smoking, inactivity, stress and biological age. All of these can be actively minimized through the choices we make and those choices can be supported by a well-designed cardiovascular supplement.

HRT is the best cardiovascular support supplement I've seen and for me it will become a regular, once a day, lifetime habit.

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